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Board Updates Rules

  1. Six of the Board’s rules reference chapter 4-25 WAC.  In October 2010 and January 2011, the Board decodified and recodified its rules as chapter 4-30 WAC.  The Board corrected the six rules to change the references to the accurate reference Title 4 WAC.
  2. WAC 4-30-048 contained a listing of 17 standards.  But, the rule referenced standards “(1) through (16).”  The Board corrected the rule to reference the complete list of 17 standards.
  3. WAC 4-30-020 contained a grammatical error.  The Board corrected the error.

Expedited Rule Making

The Board made the above changes under an expedited Rule Making process that eliminated the need for the Board to hold public hearings, prepare a small business economic impact statement, or provide responses to the criteria for a significant legislative rule. No one expressed objections.

Where may I find the amended rules as adopted?
The official Rule Making Order (CR-103) will be available from the Washington State Register on April 6. The filing number is 11-07-070. Expedited Rule making (.pdf).

When will the changes take effect?
The changes will take effect April 22, 2011.