Board Rule Making 2025: Title Usage, CPA Inactive, and CPA Retired

After holding a public rule-making hearing on January 31, 2025, the Board adopted and amended the following rules:

  • WAC 4-30-057 Limitations on CPA inactive and CPA retired. (New Rule)
  • WAC 4-30-058 Other authorized titles.

The Board adopted the new rule, WAC 4-30-057, to:

  • Provide guidance on CPA-inactive and CPA-retired allowable and prohibited activities.
  • Provide guidance on restricted title use.

The Board amended WAC 4-30-058 to:

  • Remove subsection (6) related to the use of the CPA-retired designation, as this information is included in the proposed changes to WAC 4-30-057.

The Board’s Rule Making Order (CR-103) is available:

The new rule will take effect March 5, 2025.