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CPE Documentation

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Acceptable Documentation

Completion certificates provided by the program sponsor must include all of the following:

  • Sponsor's name
  • Title of the program
  • Date(s) attended
  • Number of CPE hours earned
  • Participant's name

Examples of types of documentation to keep:

Type of Program


Group Program

  • Original certificate of completion.
  • Washington State Society of CPA's (WSCPA) annual CPE summaries.
  • Original signed sponsor summary generated from the actual sign-in and sign-out sheets attesting to the accuracy of the summary statement and providing sponsor contact information.

Self-study Program

  • Original certificate of completion - The date of completion on the certificate is the date the individual must use for reporting purposes.
  • Online CPE programs - A copy of the online certificate of completion is acceptable if it contains all of the required items.

Accredited University or College Courses

  • Credit courses - Original official grade report or official transcript.
  • Non-credit courses - Original statement signed by instructor.

Instruction Credit

  1. Presentation time - Original sponsor signed statement.
  2. Preparation time - Summary compiled and signed by the individual. CPE credit is allowed for actual preparation time up to two times the presentation hours.

Published Articles or Books

Original article or book.

Retaining documentation

CPE documentation must be retained based on the type of application.

  • Renewal: Three years after the end of the CPE reporting period in which the credit was claimed.
  • License application or reinstatement: Three years after you apply.

Submitting documentation

The Board annually conducts random CPE audits. If you are audited, you will be notified and must submit acceptable CPE documentation to support your CPE logged in the CPE Tracker. As part of this audit, the Board may require additional information.