Admin Toolbar
When logged into the site and having sufficient privileges, a black toolbar will display at the top of the page. From left to right, the options are: Manage, Shortcuts, Search, and your <username>.
- Manage: Clicking this option will open and close the toolbar immediately below it. While open, you will see the Drupal icon, Content, Structure, Configuration, and Help. You may not see all of these options if your user role does not require them. Note: If you've clicked another item in the toolbar (e.g., Shortcuts, Search, etc.), clicking Manage will return you to the options mentioned previously. The main button you will use is Content -- when you hover over it you, will see Add content, Add media, Files and Media. These are the buttons you use to add or view different types of content and media.
- Shortcuts: Enables you to create your own admin toolbar shortcuts. A shortcut is already present to view All Content on the site.
- Search: Allows you to search the site. Entering text into the field will provide you with a list of relevant options.
- <username>: When you click on your username, options will appear for you to View profile, Edit profile, and Log out. If your site allows you to sign in and be authenticated automatically, the Log Out option may not be functional.