The Washington State Board of Accountancy will hold a special meeting. The meeting is open to the public, but the only agenda item for Board discussion is a closed session for Board deliberation on a proposed Consent Agreement. The public is not permitted in the closed session. At the end of the closed session the agenda includes a public input session.
Friday, March 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Please see the Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes page on our website for the agenda.
Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID:
229 098 237 039
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
United States, Olympia:
+1 564-999-2000
United States (Toll-free)
(833) 322-1218
Phone Conference ID:
971 294 415#