Qualifying Programs
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Programs must:
- Be formal, which means attendance is recorded and outlines are prepared in advance.
- Be at least 50 minutes in length, except for nano learning courses.
- Contribute to the professional knowledge and competence in the practice of the profession.
- Provide a certificate of completion.
Only you can demonstrate that a particular program is acceptable.
Finding qualifying CPE*
- Courses from NASBA providers
- State societies
- Technical sessions at meetings of the AICPA, state societies and chapters
- University or college courses
- In-house
- Employer offered or required training
- Trade or professional associations
- Commercially offered programs
- Training offered outside of the United States
*The Board does not endorse any CPE sponsors or their programs.
Technical and Nontechnical CPE
Technical Subjects
- Auditing standards or procedures
- Compilation and review of financial statements
- Financial statement preparation and disclosures
- Attestation standards and procedures
- Projection and forecast standards or procedures
- Accounting and auditing
- Management advisory services
- Personal financial planning
- Taxation
- Management information services
- Budgeting and cost analysis
- Asset management
- Professional ethics (in addition to required Board approved ethics
- Specialized areas of industry
- Human resource management
- Economics
- Business law
- Mathematics, statistics, and quantitative applications in business
- Business management and organization
- General computer skills, computer software training, information technology planning and management
- Negotiation or dispute resolution courses
Non-Technical Subjects
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal management skills
- Leadership and personal development skills
- Client and public relations
- Practice development
- Motivational and behavioral courses
- Speed reading
- Memory building
Program Sponsors
The Board does not maintain agreements with any CPE sponsors. The Board is committed to supporting CPE program sponsors in their efforts to provide quality CPE to Washington's CPAs and has developed Guidelines for CPE Sponsors.